Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Democrats Are a Virus

Every 10 years, after each census, we have reapportionment. We redistribute Congressional seats based on the population of each State. In the last apportionment, Blue States, States dominated by a mob of Democrat voters, lost Congressional seats to Red States, States controlled by Republican voters. The magnet for Blue people to move into Red States has been good economic conditions. Now, why would Red States have good economies whereas Blue States would bad economies? The answer is pretty evident: the more free market economic policies of Republicans produce good economic conditions while the policies of the Dummyrats tend to create a drag on economies.

The effects of this flight of Blue people into Red States has been clear: Red states have tilted to the left. In Arizona, we used to have 6 Congressmen. Only 1 was a Dummycrat. Now, we have 8 Congressmen and the delegation is evenly split. Arizona also has a leftist Governor. The problem is that as Blue Staters move into Red States, they are not smart enough to shed their benighted ideas on government and the economy and then they vote for Dummycrats in a Red State. The newly elected Dummycrats then create the same horrid economic policies that the Blues fled in the first place. In essence, Dummyrats piss in their own playpool. This tells me that Dimocrats just aren’t smart enough to vote. They not only malf up their home states, but, like a virus, they spread to Red States and attempt to kill their new host. Since the Dims move from State to State and vote for those who would kill our economy, they end up retarding the growth of our nation as a whole. As far as I’m concerned, it’s one more reminder as to why our Founding Fathers opposed democracy, which they rightly saw as mob rule. To my mind, it’s one more compelling piece of evidence that we need to relimit the franchise. Democrats should be stripped of their rights to vote. At the very least, the States should increase the amount of time a new resident must be registered before he can vote in an upcoming election.

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